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prosodyctl commands and examples

Written by Simone

prosodyctl shell

Launch the shell:

# prosodyctl shell

Delete pubsub node (the ">" sign at the beginning is important and also dangerous, as it lets you do anything!):

>prosody.hosts["pubsub.example.tld"].modules.pubsub.service:delete("blog", true)

Delete ALL pubsub nodes

>local service = prosody.hosts["pubsub.example.tld"].modules.pubsub.service; for node in pairs(select(2, assert(service:get_nodes(true)))) do service:delete(node, true); end

Check subscription by user:


Change affiliation on pubsub nodes (make user owner):


Unsubscribe from node


Subscribe to node


prosodyctl commands

Asking for help:

# prosodyctl shell help

List registered users:

# prosodyctl shell user list example.tld

List existing MUCs:

# prosodyctl shell muc list [component name]

Activate a component:

# prosodyctl shell host activate some.component.example.tld

Generate Invites: create a new invite using an ad-hoc command in an XMPP client connected to your admin account, or use the command line:

# prosodyctl mod_invites generate example.tld

Reset forgot passsword: "doesn't seem to work - see below"

# prosodyctl mod_invites generate example.tld --reset <USERNAME>

Automatic Certificates Import: prosodyctl has the ability to import and activate certificates in one command:

# prosodyctl --root cert import HOSTNAME /path/to/certificates

Certificates and their keys are copied to /etc/prosody/certs (can be changed with the certificates option) and then it signals Prosody to reload itself. –root lets prosodyctl write to paths that may not be writable by the prosody user, as is common with /etc/prosody. Multiple hostnames and paths can be given, as long as the hostnames are given before the paths.

This command can be put in cron or passed as a callback to automated certificate renewal programs such as certbot or other Let's Encrypt clients.

Import All:

# prosodyctl --root cert import /etc/letsencrypt/live

Reset forgot password

# prosodyctl install --server= mod_password_reset

Reload prosody configuration then use ad-hoc commands to generate a reset link for given JID

eggdrop script: search on SearXNG instance, by cage

Written by Simone

You can try this script on #fediverso at, where me, cage, ndo and other friends hang out

bot: "verne", running on @wpn

SearXNG instance:

Thanks to cage for the script and ndo for creating the channel o/

# © cage released under CC0, public domain

# Date: 16-08-2024
# Version: 0.1

# Package description: do a web search using your searxng instance
# Public ones won't probably work because of "limiter"

# Authorize your channel from the partyline with:
# .chanset +searxng #your-channel

# Do a search
# .search <query> | .search paris (this query goes to default engine)
# .search +<engine> <query> | .search +wp paris (this query goes to
# wikipedia)
# .search !images paris | this query search only paris' images

# List of engines:

# tcllib is required

############## configuration directives ############################

# url of the HTTP(S) server of the search engine

set searxconfig(website_url)    ""

# serach command to trigger the search

set searxconfig(cmd)            ".search"

# default search engine

set searxconfig(default_engine) "ddg"

# maximum number of search results printed

set searxconfig(max_results)    3

# time tracker file
# NB: when this script runs any file with the same name within the path in the
# working  directory  (depending of  what  is  considered the  working
# directory of the script) will be erased and overwritten!

set searxconfig(file_millis)    "searx_millis.tmp"

# Minimum search frequency in milliseconds.
# This is  the minimum  time that must  pass between  two consecutive
# search

set searxconfig(max_freq)       30000

############## configuration ends here #############

# tcllib is required
package require csv

setudef flag searxng

if { !([info exists searxconfig(lastmillis)]) } {
    set searxconfig(lastmillis) 0

bind pub - $searxconfig(cmd) search:searxng

proc send_message {message} {
    putserv "PRIVMSG $message"

proc slurp_file {path} {
    set fp [open $path r]
    set file_data [read $fp]
    close $fp
    return $file_data

proc process_csv {csv channel} {
    global searxconfig
    set rows [split $csv "\n"]
    set count 0
    #remove the header
    set rows [lrange $rows 1 [llength $rows]]
    if {[llength $rows] < 1} {
        send_message "$channel :Something gone wrong."
    } else {
        foreach row $rows {
            if {$count < $searxconfig(max_results)} {
                set row_splitted [csv::split $row]
                set title [lindex $row_splitted 0]
                set url   [lindex $row_splitted 1]
                send_message "$channel :$title $url"
                incr count
            } else {

proc encode {query} {
    set query [regsub -all { } $query "%20"]
    set query [regsub -all {&} $query "%26"]
    set query [regsub -all {=} $query "%3D"]
    set query [regsub -all {!} $query "%21"]

proc get_query_results {engine query} {
    global searxconfig
    set query [encode $query]
    set engine [encode $engine]
    set url "$searxconfig(website_url)search?q=$query&format=csv&engines=$engine"
    ## decomment the line below for debugging purposes
    # putlog $url
    return [exec curl -sS $url]

proc get_last_millis { } {
    global searxconfig
    if {[file exists $searxconfig(file_millis)]} {
        set searxconfig(lastmillis) [slurp_file $searxconfig(file_millis)]
    } else {
        set fp [open $searxconfig(file_millis) w]
        puts $fp 0
        close $fp

proc set_last_millis { } {
    global searxconfig
    set fp [open $searxconfig(file_millis) w]
    puts $fp [clock milliseconds]
    close $fp

proc search:searxng {nick host hand chan text} {
    global searxconfig

    if {!([channel get $chan searxng])} {
        send_message "$chan :This script has not been authorized to run in this channel."
        return 0

    set millis [clock milliseconds]


    if { [expr $millis - $searxconfig(lastmillis)] > $searxconfig(max_freq) } {
        ## test antiflood superato


        set text_splitted [split $text " {}"]
        set engine [lindex $text_splitted 0]
        set text_length [llength $text_splitted]
        set query [lrange $text_splitted 1 $text_length]

        if {![regexp {^\+} $engine]} {
            set engine $searxconfig(default_engine)
            set query $text_splitted
        } else {
            set engine [string range $engine 1 [string length $engine]]

        if {$query == {}} {
            send_message "$chan :Missing search criteria."
        } else {
            set csv [get_query_results $engine $query]
            process_csv $csv $chan

        return 1;
        send_message "$chan :Try again later."
    return 0

putlog "SearXNG Loaded"`


It was about time!

Written by Simone

screenshot of the converse.js webchat login screen, featuring the new cyberpunk theme with different shades of violet and purple colors

@wpn has got a new HTTP HOST for its XMPP server's..:

  • ..web-based chat, powered by converse.js,
  • file upload,
  • MUCs' pastebin,
  • password_reset/invite/registration pages.

Webchat is now located at - only @wpn accounts can login to it.

In other news, converse.js was recently upgraded and it's now running on the main git branch code, so you can preview the featured "cyberpunk" theme in action, which will be released "soon".

@wpn gemini server gets an HTTP proxy

Written by Simone

Yet another small update about gemini.

You can now browse gemini:// even from regular HTTP, here:

I've applied some fixes (like) to HTML and CSS (the latter is pretty much the same used by the @wpn onboarding page, but obviously customized). As for accessibility, I think it should work well for desktop and also mobile browsers; CGIs work as well.

The proxy I used is Loxy. I also already opened an issue on their repo for a problem with query strings, still waiting for someone to reply. Apart from that, everything checks out.
