Posts tagged with “homarr”

A new new home

Written by Simone

Good day everyone!

This weekend I've been restructuring "woodpeckersnest's" homepage.

The move was pretty huge since I went from a static #HTML plus some #JS site to homarr; it's taking quite a lot of RAM to run now, but the outcome is nice and I like it better than the old style - on mobile, at least on my crap smartphone, doesn't look very good, it needs quite a lot of pixels to perform alright (I hate phones btw, so it's still good for me).

Everything is WIP, but you can take a look at it anyway:

Please let me know if you find anything broken or not working properly. 😍

P.S. I have also upgraded our DeltaChat "chatmail" instance to latest and greatest 1.4.1 release - Thanks Federico for the hosting and Andrea for translations.

Come join us at