Posts tagged with “homarr”

Anonymous (Support) WebChat

Written by Simone

screenshot of converse.js webchat interface with an anonymous user connected

Happy 2025!

This new year brought a change in our webchat, which is now fully anonymous and auto-connecting to @wpn support room.

I thought the anon support room could be better used by people "interested in/wanting to ask questions about" XMPP and @wpn services, without the need to register an account.

You can still join other local MUCs when in the anon chat, but external, server to server (S2S) connections are denied for anon users, as I mentioned in a previous post. Feel free to test it out and send feedback about your experience.

For the future months, maybe another rather-big change will happen, as I foresee troubles in upgrading Homarr to its new milestone release. Homarr is what @wpn currently uses as its homepage; despite the fact that I quite like it, I'm not sure I want to embark in a complete overhaul, since I already tried importing configuration to the alpha release and it was a major disaster 😟

Wishing You all the best for this New Year! Stay safe!

A new new home

Written by Simone

Good day everyone!

This weekend I've been restructuring "woodpeckersnest's" homepage.

The move was pretty huge since I went from a static #HTML plus some #JS site to homarr; it's taking quite a lot of RAM to run now, but the outcome is nice and I like it better than the old style - on mobile, at least on my crap smartphone, doesn't look very good, it needs quite a lot of pixels to perform alright (I hate phones btw, so it's still good for me).

Everything is WIP, but you can take a look at it anyway:

Please let me know if you find anything broken or not working properly. 😍

P.S. I have also upgraded our DeltaChat "chatmail" instance to latest and greatest 1.4.1 release - Thanks Federico for the hosting and Andrea for translations.

Come join us at