Special characters in DBs are a no-go
Written by Simone
Remember: don't ever use special characters in your DB's users password!!
I have been troubleshooting a migration from mariadbd to pgsql for several hours, until I tried changing my password, which, weirdly enough, was working to connect roundcube but gave errors with pgloader
. Once I successfully migrated using the same password with those special characters, roundcube wouldn't connect with pgsql, so I made another fighting round! Finally changed my pgsql password to some letters and numbers only and BAM!, it worked.
Then I stopped mariadbd and disabled the service; now I have more than 200MB RAM freed¹.
¹ See previous post.
mariadbd is a memory hog
Written by Simone
Unauthenticated email from [DOMAIN] is not accepted due to 550-5.7.26 domain's DMARC policy.
Written by Simone
I was enabling Exim on my IONOS VPS to deliver email through a smarthost and encountered the error message in this post's title (unable to send to Gmail users.. It's always them!)
After fiddling a while with DMARK and SPF I reconfigured Exim itself to rewrite sender address, so that emails coming from "spacenest.it" (IONOS domain) were sent as coming from "woodpeckersnest.eu", the smarthost and real email server.
Everything is done via this command:
# dpkg-reconfigure exim4-config
And the resulting configuration in /etc/exim4/update-exim4.conf
On OVH's postfix I just had to modify this line in /etc/postfix/main.cf
mynetworks = [::ffff:]/104 [::1]/128
where that last IP is the IP Address of my IONOS server.
Awesome Selfhosted
Written by Simone
This is where I found the idea for a blog with chyrp-lite. That repo is full of awesomeness 😎
Process Keepalive
Written by Simone
Going without casters
Written by Simone
I had previously discussed this issue on XMPP and on my Schleuder Mailing List, but there's news.
My ".space" domain is blacklisted by Google and others top email services because it is considered spammy - I still don't understand how you can blacklist a whole tld for spam but that's how it goes..
So I purchased a new ".eu" domain and set it up as virtual host in postfix.. But I was still using a third party relay to deliver emails to Gmail, Hotmail and iCloud. This relay works with "credits", each email you send using their free service is equal to 1 credit and you get 1000 credits per month (BIG Thanks to Kévin from Delta Chat for helping me out with this).
Now, I haven't ever reached the maximum allowed quota but I felt like removing the casters at least for Gmail, since this .eu domain should do the job just fine and because I cannot actually remove Hotmail, since they have my server IP banned for whatever reason.
So, I removed the gmail line in my transport
file for postfix, ran postmap and reloaded postfix.service. Finally I sent a Ping over to "Delta Chat Italian Offtopic Group" where there are 2 people with gmail accounts and everything was fine, no email returned back to sender.
I'll keep going like this until problems!!
Now, if anyone is interested on how my transport file looks like, I'll share 😀
outlook.com smtp:[outbound.mailhop.org]:587
hotmail.com smtp:[outbound.mailhop.org]:587
outlook.fr smtp:[outbound.mailhop.org]:587
hotmail.it smtp:[outbound.mailhop.org]:587
mail.icloud.com smtp:[outbound.mailhop.org]:587
* :
You need an account on DuoCircle and you need to authenticate yourself (in postfix) for their smtp to accept emails from your server.
.. And now with Clean URLs!
Written by Simone
Main Website's Javascript
Written by Simone
I'm not very familiar with javascript when it come to websites - a bit better is node.js, but that's another story..
I just wanted to give credit to my Steam friend andrei-kom (Thanks Andrei) for this piece of javascript he wrote to enhance the side menu of my main website. Now the buttons are highlighted not just on press but also when scrolling the page up and down! Woo-hoo 😀
Here's the code:
$(document).ready(function () {
$('a').on('click', function (e) {
$(window).scroll(function () {
var pageOffset = window.pageYOffset + 64;
$('.contentBlock').each(function () {
var contentBlockOffset = $(this).offset().top;
var id = $(this).attr('id');
if (id == 'home') {
id = '';
if (pageOffset >= contentBlockOffset) {
$('a.w3-button[href="#' + id + '"]').addClass('w3-hover-black-activated');
Wireguard Configuration
Written by Simone
# specify generated private key for server
PrivateKey = <privkey>
# IP address for VPN interface
Address =
MTU = 1420
# UDP port WireGuard server listens
ListenPort = 51820
# set routing rules like follows to access to local network via VPN session
PostUp = iptables -A FORWARD -i wg0 -j ACCEPT; iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o ens3 -j MASQUERADE
PostDown = iptables -D FORWARD -i wg0 -j ACCEPT; iptables -t nat -D POSTROUTING -o ens3 -j MASQUERADE
# change "ens3" with your interface
# specify public key for client
PublicKey = <pubkey>
# clients' VPN IP addresses you allow to connect
# possible to specify subnet ⇒ []
AllowedIPs =
# Private IP Address
Address =
# Client's Private Key
PrivateKey = <privkey>
# Server's listening port
ListenPort = 51820
# Server's Public Key
PublicKey = <pubkey>
AllowedIPs =
# Server's IP:port
Endpoint =
If you want to scan a QR code on your phone to load the client.conf, do as follows: # apt install qrencode $ qrencode -t utf8 < client.conf
A QR code will appear, scan it.
Thanks to "to_red" for helping me out with the configuration 😉